Geography Insights: CH - FRI

Quick Stats (Rolling 48 Months)

64Home Players
102All Players
161Winner WPPRs
648Total WPPRs
145Geo Rank

Player Personas

This Geo   PersonaInt'l Avg
Those who travel and are ranked in the top 2,500.
Those who travel and are outside the top 2,500.
20%Local Supporters
Those who go to multiple events but don't leave their home geography.
Those who went to one event and haven't (yet) returned.

Tournament Data

This Geo   Event TypeInt'l Avg
Events where 60%+ of the field are WPPRtunists.
Events where 30%+ of the field are Travelers.
11%Local Supporters
Events where 50% of the field are Local Supporters.
Events where 20% of the field are One-Timers.
11%Mixed Personas
All remaining events which indicates a mix of player personas.

Traveler Geographies

In the past 48 months, players who call CH - FRI home like to travel to:

Tournament Sizes

In the past 48 months, tournament sizes in CH - FRI:
Player Count# Events% EventsInt'l Avg

Top Tournaments & Events

In the past 48 months, the top 50 events in CH - FRI:
65521IFPA Swiss Championship Series F 2024-01 Traveler 53.70 43
53560Fribourg Open 2022-11 Traveler 12.37 31
66927Fribourg Open 2023-12 Traveler 11.47 28
42721Fribourg Open 2021-10 Traveler 10.82 27
53559Fribourg Open 2022-11 Traveler 9.90 31
42722Fribourg Open 2021-10 Traveler 9.78 25
60597Fribourg Open 2023-07 Traveler 8.90 25
60598Fribourg Open 2023-07 Traveler 7.57 25
66926Fribourg Open 2023-12 Traveler 6.88 28
44329Stern Army League Suisse Romande 2022-01 Traveler 6.22 17
49746Stern Army League Suisse Romande 2022-09 Traveler 5.34 12
60596Stern Army League Suisse Romande 2023-03 Mixed Persona 5.28 7
50026Stern Army League Suisse Romande 2022-04 Traveler 2.31 12
58615Stern Army League Suisse Romande 2023-08 Local Supporter 2.22 5
65434Stern Army League Suisse Romande 2024-02 Local Supporter 2.21 3
48006Stern Army Rush Launch Party 2022-04 One-Timer 1.78 25
58614Stern Army James Bond Launch P 2023-01 Traveler 1.72 19
62949Stern Army Foo Fighters Launch P 2023-05 One-Timer 1.68 29
46601Stern Army Godzilla Launch Party 2022-01 Mixed Persona 0.96 9

Top Players

In the past 48 months, the top 50 players in CH - FRI:
IDPlayer NameRankPersonaPointsEvents
59897Hugo Ritter 66 WPPRtunist 81.86 8
73476Laurent Gregoire 1719 WPPRtunist 73.17 19
457Serge Darbellay 1430 WPPRtunist 54.27 3
14719Ben Moser 155 WPPRtunist 30.84 1
76014Didier Bezençon 805 WPPRtunist 25.49 15
76166Stefan Hess 2087 WPPRtunist 22.26 3
39781Denis Ritter 325 WPPRtunist 21.49 8
214Michael Trepp 256 WPPRtunist 20.88 1
47576Stefan Mory 1585 WPPRtunist 20.88 1
20820Roland Brandes 2076 WPPRtunist 19.29 5
39786Jari Nuutinen 307 WPPRtunist 19.03 6
73474Raphaël Bise 5919 Traveler 14.26 15
1747Niklaus Stirnimann 1269 WPPRtunist 13.59 3
48013Stefan Wittwer 2133 WPPRtunist 13.46 9
11066Christoph Korrodi 4653 Traveler 10.39 1
75292Jan Mory 5850 Traveler 10.39 1
96881Martin Rollinger 9912 Local Supporter 10.22 2
73473Jérome Bise 3985 Traveler 10.10 15
1736Andreas Borer 827 WPPRtunist 8.24 3
84223Enzo Daehler 6400 Traveler 8.23 14
59899Christian Rohr 5846 Traveler 7.76 6
92034Rémy Forestier 4745 Traveler 7.63 10
95363Gregor Bucher 3086 Traveler 7.52 3
63218Lukas Matzinger 2423 WPPRtunist 6.74 2
73475Nicolas Quiquerez 5755 Traveler 6.09 15
87606Jose Rola 11387 Local Supporter 5.58 11
87605Nicolas Tschäppät 6220 Traveler 5.57 12
23959Gilbert Kaegi 8916 Traveler 5.40 5
96885Michel Dos Santos 12850 Local Supporter 5.34 2
79122Vincent Chessex 13086 Local Supporter 5.16 10
59896Benjamin Rohr 6691 Traveler 4.94 6
99162Eric Leray 11785 Local Supporter 4.89 7
56437Klärli Saner 3634 Traveler 4.28 7
35531Jean-christophe Sauge 6610 Traveler 4.25 3
84225Fabrice Nery 13685 Local Supporter 4.19 12
30352Ralf Wohlwender 4515 Traveler 3.69 1
66577Jon Nussberger 7019 Traveler 3.69 1
50890Peter Streckeisen 2642 Traveler 3.69 1
28497Julien Bros 14667 Local Supporter 3.29 7
92931Yves Capaul 3464 Traveler 3.28 7
56465Gunnar Loewe 5148 Traveler 3.19 3
105107Daniel Grieder 4886 Traveler 3.06 3
84226Cécile Nery 16050 Local Supporter 2.98 11
47573Roger Mory 4731 Traveler 2.75 1
56435Thomas Grieder 3870 Traveler 2.69 3
79126Tim Quiquerez 9316 Traveler 2.48 13
96883Joffrey Galassi 17025 Local Supporter 2.44 3
65254Karim Fayad 9984 Traveler 2.43 3
56449Gert Rauber 4952 Traveler 2.25 1
93333Doris Weidmann 8006 Traveler 2.25 1


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Code Version 2.0.0
Data Extracted Through: 2024-04-30
Database Last Refreshed: 2024-05-12

Notes and Acknowledgements